Off Plan Property Exchange to sponsor 2015 Scottish Grand Prix ~ Auto Guru India - Junction of News, Auto Reviews, Advice

Apr 1, 2008

Off Plan Property Exchange to sponsor 2015 Scottish Grand Prix

Off Plan Property Exchange, an online property advertising agency, based in the United Kingdom, announced it's intention to sponsor the Scottish Formula One Grand Prix in November 2015. The event will be run in association with the International Society for the Prevention of Petrol (ISPP) based in Geneva.

Jeremy Dannebohm, Director of Public Relations and Marketing for Off Plan Property Exchange commented that the company will host an event that will become a regular fixture in the grand prix calendar for years to come.

"We are confident this will be an event of tremendous magnitude. I have a hunch the Off Plan Property Exchange Scottish Grand Prix will be a veritable who's who of celebrities, athletes, and nobility. It will be a memorable day for all those who attend."

The last Scottish Grand Prix of such magnitude was held 57 years ago on July 21st, 1951. The event of 1951 was a 100 mile race held at Winfield Airfield also in Berwickshire. The 2015 event will include industry leading hydrogen powered racing machines from each of the major teams with star drivers such as Alonso Alfonso, Jimi Rikatard, and of course our very own Lewis Ambleton.

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