New SEAT Ibiza is on display all over Europe in three rigs ~ Auto Guru India - Junction of News, Auto Reviews, Advice

Apr 28, 2008

New SEAT Ibiza is on display all over Europe in three rigs

Since last 2 April, when the new SEAT Ibiza made its world debut at the Martorell Prototype Centre, three spectacular rigs equipped with glass showcases, a colourful light show and interior cameras have been making an intense, exciting tour around Europe in order to show off SEAT’s new model before its commercial launch.

In total, the design and sportiness of the new SEAT Ibiza will be on display in 17 European cities during the 40-day “Ibiza Tour” covering more than 50,000 kilometres.

Cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Krakow, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Rome and Strasbourg are a few of the destinations visited by the motorcade during rush hour to attract the most attention from drivers and passers-by.


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