Ford earns EPA Award for conserving energy ~ Auto Guru India - Junction of News, Auto Reviews, Advice

Apr 3, 2008

Ford earns EPA Award for conserving energy

Ford Motor Company's actions to reduce the amount of energy used to manufacture vehicles and support its U.S. operations have earned it the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's coveted 2008 ENERGY STAR Award. A three-time ENERGY STAR Award winner, the 2008 award for Sustained Excellence recognizes Ford's continued leadership and commitment to protecting the environment through energy efficiency.

Ford accepted the award at a ceremony in Washington D.C. on April 1, 2008.

"Ford Motor Company is committed to the responsible use of resources," said Sue Cischke, group vice president, Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering. "Energy efficiency is critical to running a strong and successful business delivering both financial and environmental benefits."

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