Hayes Lemmerz receives World Excellence Award from Ford ~ Auto Guru India - Junction of News, Auto Reviews, Advice

May 6, 2008

Hayes Lemmerz receives World Excellence Award from Ford

NORTHVILLE, Mich. - Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc announced that it has recently earned Ford Motor Company's Silver World Excellence Award for exemplary performance during 2007 as a supplier of automotive wheels.

Ford's World Excellence Award specifically recognized Hayes Lemmerz' Autokola, the Company's steel wheel facility in Ostrava, Czech Republic, for consistently achieving high levels of quality, delivery and cost performance.

"Our global relationship with Ford is highly valued, and we're honored to receive this recognition," said Fred Bentley, Chief Operating Officer. "This is the second consecutive year that our Autokola operation has been honored, and I am proud of our Hayes Lemmerz associates for their commitment to excellence."


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