Fiat & Tata Motors JV for Eco Friendly Diesel Engines ~ Auto Guru India - Junction of News, Auto Reviews, Advice

Jan 18, 2008

Fiat & Tata Motors JV for Eco Friendly Diesel Engines

Diesel engines have seen a dramatic evolution in the last years and the smoky, noisy image is today something belonging to the past.

The adoption of the revolutionary fuel injection Common Rail system, in combination with a wide extension of turbo charging, compressed air inter cooling and exhaust gas recirculation systems, has impressively improved the specific power, peak and low-end torque and at the same time improved the fuel efficiency, the engine noise and the easy of cranking of the Diesel engines.

On and above this, newly sophisticated engine managements systems have made it possible to keep all the engine parameters under control and therefore fully exploit the advantages of the technologies adopted, in order to ensure a constant and reliable behavior of the Diesel engine over the time. Read full News...

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