Feb 5, 2009

New Nissan X-trail model now in India

Nissan intends to bring the new face lifted X-trail model to India by mid-2009. The new model will have enhanced power with better exteriors and interior designing. The new face lifted model will have sharper and taller head lamps that would lend a taller posture to the model. The new model will be 175mm longer than its original model with a 5mm longer wheelbase. The tail gate will sport a new design with larger tail lamps giving a little boxy look to the overall design.

The centrally located instrument cluster has been placed in line with driver's sight. There are more knobs and buttons around the driver seat with some of the controls on the steering which makes the car exciting. The Indian customers will experience a better overall build quality.

The vertical console stack is expanded to accommodate a new stereo and GPS navigation unit. Although the new car is still not a seven-seater as there is definitely more room for the passengers on the rear.

The mileage is yet to be released by the company just before the launch of the model in India. There have been no press releases announcing its launch date.

Source: Infibeam.com News

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